In March, gardeners begin to prepare for the upcoming growing season by planting cool-season crops like lettuce, spinach, and peas, as the soil starts to warm. With unpredictable weather, it’s essential to watch for late frosts and use protective coverings to safeguard young plants from freezing temperatures. Read on for more gardening tips!
Plant Doctor Quips
Moana Nursery High Desert Gardening
Timely Tips
- Call Moana Nursery 825-0602 x134 now to schedule your irrigation turn-on with our Irrigation Specialist.
- Apply pre-emergent weed control to prevent germination of weeds and unwanted plants in your landscape. Moana recommends Hi- Yield Herbicide Granules for flower beds & non-planted areas, hillsides, paths, etc.Â
- Feed lawn with G&B Organics Lawn Fertilizer. Aerate your lawn, and if necessary, dethatch.
- Prevent and kill many lawn weeds including dandelions, clover and crabgrass with Bonide ProZone Weed Beater Complete – a pre & post-emergent.
- Rake up remaining leaves and debris, leaving a little for nesting material for the birds.
- Start a compost pile; use G&B Organics Starter Fertilizer for faster composting.
As weather & soil conditions permit:
- Plant fruit trees – pear, apple & peach– on a dry day before buds swell with G&B Organics Planting Mix and G&B Organics Citrus & Fruit Tree Fertilizer; mulch with G&B Organics Soil Building Conditioner.
- Transplant existing trees and shrubs while they are still dormant — before they break bud. Â
- Feed existing fruit trees with G&B Organics Citrus & Fruit Tree Fertilizer.
- March is an ideal time to plant a new tree or shrub as soon as weather permits.
- Expand the drip system before you plant dormant trees, shrubs and perennials.
- If fruit & large deciduous trees have broken buds, wait to spray or adjust the concentration of your oil. Monterey Horticultural Oil will help control aphids, scale or mites that were a problem in the past. If fungal diseases such as scab and powdery mildew have been a problem, spray with Bonide Copper Fungicide or Monterey Liqui-Cop according to the label. Avoid spraying on windy days.
- Feed trees, shrubs and perennials that have been planted more than a year with G&B Organics Paradise Fertilizer.
- Apply systemic Fertilome Tree & Shrub Drench as needed to protect against insects such as bronze birch borer, aphids, and elm leaf beetles.
- Apply Plantskydd Repellent or Nature’s Mace to protect spring blooms, trees & shrubs from rabbits, deer & voles.
- Prune summer flowering shrubs & trees.
- As weather & soil conditions permit, start an edible garden – plant radish, lettuce and cabbage seeds, onions, potatoes, asparagus, garlic, shallots, strawberries, rhubarb, horseradish and Swiss chard. Amend G&B Organics Planting Mix or G&B Raised Bed and Potting Mix with G&B Organics Harvest Supreme in a raised bed or a smart pot.
- Prune grapevine & raspberry bushes and feed with G&B Organics Citrus & Fruit Tree Fertilizer.
- Start warm-season annual and vegetable seeds indoors with G&B Organics Seed Starter and HydroFarm trays, cell insert & humidity domes.
- Improve seed starting success with a HydroFarm Jump Start 19.5” X 9” Seedling Heat Mat.
As weather & soil conditions permit:
- Cut back close to the ground all ornamental grasses & perennials.
- Gently press back any perennials that heaved out of the ground over winter.
- Plant cool-season flowers – stocks, primrose, pansies, violets, Shirley poppies, ranunculus, candytuft, thyme, flowering kale and cabbage, etc. with G&B Organics Starter Fertilizer.
- Enjoy summer blooms earlier by potting up gladiolus, dahlias, crocosmia, lily of the valley, etc. indoors at the beginning of the month, then transplant in the garden when weather has warmed up with Happy Frog Steamed Bone Meal or G&B Organics Bud & Bloom Fertilizer for long lasting blooms.
- Begin fertilizing houseplants with FoxFarm Grow Big Liquid Plant Food or Fertilome All Purpose Plant Food as new growth begins.
- It is a great time to plant a terrarium.
- Feed orchids with Fertilome Houseplant Hero Orchid Plant Food according to label.
- With wild birds’ natural food supply at its lowest this month, offer them high energy foods like peanuts, suet, Jim’s Birdacious® Bark Butter® and mealworms.
- Keep feeders clean and seed fresh; if food has gotten wet or has been sitting, it’s time to clean the feeder and start with new seed.
- Some birds will begin building their nests this month; place nesting materials out for them now and consider a Wild Birds Unlimited birdhouse for wrens, chickadees or woodpeckers if they are visiting your yard.Â
- This is a great time of year to share multigenerational observations of birds and wildlife activity. Young and old alike can find a sense of joy and renewal as a new season and new generations begin.
- Offer Jim’s Birdacious® Bark Butter® and Peanut Butter n’ Jelly suet dough to provide the extra calcium needed during nesting season.
- Continue to supply fresh water and change it every 5 days to keep it clean.
- If you have a water feature, turn it on as soon as weather permits.
- Install a customized Wild Birds Unlimited bird feeding station where you can easily watch the birds it attracts.
- We offer Irrigation system turn on and inspection for leaks, broken/clogged heads, coverage & other problems through our Moana Irrigation Specialist. Call 825-0602 x134 to schedule.
- Our Seasonal Color Team can help you with custom containers, annual planting beds or a simple refresh of your existing garden. Schedule a free consultation today!
- Need help with your indoor plants? Contact our Interior Plant Services team. They can help you design, install, and maintain your indoor plants! Want a WOW plant presentation? Ask about installing a LIVING PLANT WALL! Examples of plant walls are available to see at both our Moana Lane and Pyramid Way locations.
- Schedule supplemental winter watering for your trees and shrubs by hand or mobile water truck from Landscape Services call 775-825-0602 x134.
- Our expert Plant Doctors can help you with your high desert gardening;
- Diagnose disease & insect problems on trees, shrubs & lawns;
- Identify existing plants in your landscape and how to care for them;
- Provide plant placement for DIY customers.
- Stop by any location to ask questions or email