Plant Doctor Angela is here to help you learn about the common lilac, lilacs leave landscapes looking luscious and lovely!
Planting Moana Grown Veggies!
Jeni McMahon2023-07-06T09:54:34-07:00Plant Doctor Michael Roth shares his tips on a successful veggie garden.
Creeping Crawling Climbing Clematis!
Jeni McMahon2023-09-05T09:37:58-07:00If you have the time, Plant Doctor Gary will tell you about his favorite vine.
Tree Talk: Honey Locust
Jeni McMahon2023-09-05T09:44:38-07:00Honey Locusts are a great shade tree for the garden, plus they are one of Plant Doctor Gary Jentink's favorite trees!
Give a hoot, grow some fruit!
Jeni McMahon2023-09-05T09:45:24-07:00Plant Doctor Michael Roth outlines some tips to get the best results, so you and your trees can live apple-y ever after.
The ‘weed’ you need: Mexican Primrose!
Jeni McMahon2023-09-05T09:45:52-07:00Our Moana Nursery Plant Doctor Angela Turner tells about the perennial Mexican Primrose.
How to Pot and Grow Citrus Trees
unraveldev2022-04-25T16:05:47-07:00You can grow citrus in northern Nevada! Jon Bruyn shows you how to pot and care for your high desert citrus trees.
What is Deadheading?
unraveldev2022-04-25T18:23:36-07:00Learn how, when, and why do deadhead your flowers to improve growth and appearances.
The Benefits of Mulch
unraveldev2022-04-25T18:25:50-07:00Lisa talks about how a layer of mulch can improve your landscaping soil & appearance plus conserve moisture.
Plants for Shade Gardening
unraveldev2022-04-25T22:39:03-07:00Steve Packer shows you 20 plants that do well in the shade and how to have a successful shade garden.